Sarah Palin, watch out, Obama’s trying to kill you

I read this morning of the third plane crash in Alaska in a short period of time. I think it is the Pentagon’s jamming of the plane’s computers in their attempt to assassinate Sarah Palin,
on orders of the entrenched evil of the democratic party including Obama-Clinton-Pelosi and their illegal use of the war powers act and Patriot Act to sabotage planes of the enemy.
 I think they have declared you the enemy of the democrat party as it is presently, and of H Clinton’s attempt to run for President next go-round.

 Be very wary and pray and ask your church to pray too. It is not an accident that 3 planes crashed in Alaska recently since they all run on computerized systems. Obama is the hacker
of the century and he knows how to sabatage planes and if he doesn’t the Pentagon does. The Pentagon has been doing that since the 80’s. And the CIA has already issued a
capture or kill order for an American citizen who so far has not been tried in a court of law, or been allowed the right to defend himself or been found guilty yet of anything. So it
is common knowledge that the US’s  killing forces including those who kill innocents in the womb are abusing their powers routinely, and expanding their powers to spy, intercept
and sabatage so-called enemies.  .
  Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri; 9:51AM, 10-Aug-2010

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